Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Made a pigs ear of.......

I have been working on the e number posters again and it came to the turn of gelatin (E441), which derives from animal fat and bones.

I have continued with the script type as it shows how E numbers are disguised and almost glamorized within foods. There is something very eye catching and full of character when you do this. When produced to a large scale it overpowers the public and gets them to consider what is in their food. Potentially making them more aware of what they put in their mouth and considering their diet in-general.

Here are the results. I will be re-photographic so all the letters appear together. I though this could be achieves in Photoshop, however with these photos it began to loose the impact factor.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Type 2: Noodles

BY HEK, these were hard to work with.

I have chosen to make only capitals as they would be used as paragraph starters. This all adds to the editorial spreads it would potentially be used in. I wanted to keep the noodles quite uniform, but in most cases the noodle had its idea of where it wanted to go. However, this does add to the character of the letter by giving it a less linear and strict appearance. Something that i am not trying to achieve when making the nutrition information less lecturing.

Here are the results of today, i produced the uppercase A-Z.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

More peas please.

This brief aims at making the information supplied by health organizations much more interesting. For this i am producing a series of food alphabets that would potentially be used as display typefaces in an editorial spread. The idea is to make the nutrition handouts, less lecturing.

I have begun on peas, a simple choice but a hard medium to work with. I am choosing to work with times as it comes across as an educational typeface, however when made with peas it has the edge taken off it. If i was to use a rounded or sans serif font then it would all become too jokey.

Here is what i spent last night and this morning doing. The lowercase.

The next stage is finalising the lowercase, then its the uppercase and numbers.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

E Numbers: Looking for context

After reviewing yesterday the first thing i wanted to sort out was places in which the micro-site and the printed catalogue could fit. I decided my main target audience would be parents, apart from that it is difficult, especially with food to determine who would be interested in finding out what e number are and how they can affect you. Here are some of the potential contexts for the outcome,

Kids Health is an online resourse for parents to inform themselves about nutrition.


Department of health, a government driven site.


Another relevant one would also be the NHS.

If i am to produce a microsite then there needs to be something on the homepage of the site that will encourage people to click onto the link. This will act in the same way as the poster, however the scale is massively different. This could be something produced in flash to attract peoples attention.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Evaluation of E Numbers

This project is going to get much more attention now i have decided to put the hooligan project to rest. Some of the points i need to address are,

Context of what it is i am producing,
Who will i be speaking to,

I got a good response from the experimental type work i have been exploring, so these could be used as posters to support and direct my audience to the catalogue of e numbers. The eye catching nature will be the initial introduction to e-numbers i would potentially encourage further investigation. Again i need to decide where the audience will be interacted with. There could be potential environment features that could be used to drive this forward. This image below shows a potential way of doing this,


I have decided the deliverables need to be digital and print based. This allows me to inform a larger audience.

Research i need to carry out
The research i need to do now is within audience and context. Who is it and how can i reach them?

Evaluation of F**ligan Advert

After working on some initial ideas for the advert i decided i am going to put it on hold until i am entirely sure what my publication will be. The idea was based on taking the symbols from the publication and representing them using video. It is not nessaserily type in moition, more type as motion. This could be extended upon by the video showing all of the symbols i have been working with.

The music and video really slow the whole thing down, to me this is getting the viewer to properly engage with the advert and take it seriously. I will experiment with some punk/anarchy music but i think this will be too jokey and encouraging of the video footage i am using.

My design practice is about developing work using only type and not image. In this case i think the video becomes the type.

Evaluation of Football Hooligan Publication

I potentially have some new leads with the publication so the idea of extending it into a series of 5 or a larger handout is possible. Instead of outlining what the new developments of research are going to be, i will first see what i get back from the contacts i have emailed. These being the Leeds City Police, Phil Hay (sports writer at YEP), the guardian sports desk and i am currently trying to get in touch with Russel Brand to get a statement or quote from him.

So for the moment the publication will be put on hold, allowing me to develop the e-number brief and the other nutrition related briefs. I don't want to develop the Football Hooligan idents any further without have the publication resolved to work from.

Some of the key things to think about now for this brief are,

If it is going to be a series, then what approach am i going to take. Is there going to be a strong opinion put across or will it be based on providing an informed account of football hooliganism. Also if it is going to be something inside of a program at a match then how does the viewpoint change. For example, this might be a tragic story from an officer or family figure warning of the dangers of hooligan activity.

Crit Review. 18-03-09

This was the ultimate, uba, organizing, planning crit that has made me recognize where i have been going wrong. I think the problem has not been with the designing, more to do with organizing of what i am going to be designing, giving myself deadlines and working to that. At the start of the Football Hooligan brief i had all sorts of ideas about how i could arrange type in relationship to research images of violence. It has given me some really interesting and informed work, but now i have come to a point where i need re assess where the football hooligan project is going and how much more time i am going to allow to it.
These were some of the comments from the crit.

Football Hooliganism: Publication

The publication could be something given out everyday over a week

This would allow me to incorporate my other research that i have missed out in the latest publication.

The publication works strong enough on its own, without attatching it to the guardian newspaper.

It could possibly be an option for me to take parts from the two above and produce my own series that document the areas of research i have gathered. This will potentially allow for me to include some of the interview that i will hopefully receive from the emails i have sent out.

Look into the publications you receive around the football stadiums, it could be that you design it to suite one of them.

This would be an excellent idea as it informs my design context and gets me thinking about designing editorally for different audiances.

Football Hooliganism: Advertisements

The feedback on this was to promote the publication oppose to attatching it to a made up T.V series. So i am going to stick to this direction. However i am not going to work on this anymore until i have the publication resolved. This will then give me the most informed foundation on which i can build the advertisements from.

E Numbers

I asked people to respond to the outcome of the E numbers brief. I was interesting in knowing whether it should be print based or done through a micro-site.

A micro-site would be good enough but a pocket book would be even better.

I have come to realise this would be the best way of reaching my audiance. The micro-site could be the extension of many health related organisations websites. This would leave the printed version available in a supermarket or health practice.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Fooligan Publication

I have just finished the publication highlighting some of the main points associated with football hooliganism. The publication takes inspiration from the bad language symbols and mimics it in a way that was inspired by violent imagery. The aim of the publication was to be simple to allow for the layout to become the most dominant way of executing the concept.