Tuesday, April 21, 2009

E Number website

I have been working on some of the e number pages alongside the holding page and intro to the website. I have decided to use flash as it allows the site to become more interactive, allowing the viewer to engage with elements of the pages, so as not to loose interest, on what is potentially, to some people, a boring subject.

Friday, April 17, 2009

idents work.

I have been trying to capture some of the grit and aggression of the fooligan publication produced. After some initial flash work i managed to add to the violent nature using added effects.

Colour test.

Friday, April 10, 2009


The beginning of the week saw me working on the layouts for the five a day publication. Some of the thoughts that have gone into the layout have been,
  • Making each recipe interesting
  • To allow for white space, to let the pages breathe (this added to the less lecturing concept)
  • Wide margins allowing people to handle when referencing through the cooking process

Some of the decisions made have been to keep three recipes across the double page spread and also not to have anything within a column. The column has connotations that link to newspapers. This being something formal, opinionated and serious.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I have taken a simple approach to a massive issue. It has started to become an experiment into representing the credit crunch through a simple breaking apart of a symbol. Its interesting to see how this exploration can evolve by working on a separate page every time a change is made.

lowercase PEA



E 913 (Evaluating)

The Sheeps Wool

I had managed to get some wool posted over from Keswick, little did i know most of the sheep are black. Before anyone decides to call me a 'sheepist' i though it would be more recognizable to people when in the white/dirty cream. Anyway i had the idea to photograph the wool from above. The one below is the most successful, this is the angle i will pursue, but with white/dirty cream wool.

After a couple of shots i realized the off-putting, shocking nature was not being communicated at this angle. It was only when you get up close that you understand firstly what it is and secondly how dirty/shitty the wool is. When getting close up you start to understand the nature of what is being presented, it has the negativity am after.

This has set me back, but it part of the testing process that i need to go through. The main points of focus need to be,

how does it fit within the context of a billboard?
will it arouse interest?
does it communicate dirty, mucky filth, shit?


I have decided to do a brief that is aimed at promoting the 5-a-day. This was inspired by the the use of the 5-a-day typeface i have produced. The type is full of character, this will be added to with copy that is informative and humorous whilst still supporting the 5-a-day guideline. I have started by spelling out some of the words associated with the preparation and cooking.

And a few poems that are going to be built on.

If this idea is going to work then it will need to involve fruit. It will potentially be the same idea, but with fruit. Simple.

the 5-a-day

I spent yesterday cutting up a whole range of veg to put in the 5-a-day type. This will be used again for the editorial within a nutrition publication.

Here we go.

They all ended up in my Corn Beef Hash for tea.